Web Essentials

A great base to start from
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The Pages


Your home page is your landing page. It needs to load quickly, look good and include enough key word' information to create visibility with Google. We make sure your 'brand' reflects and boosts your overall branding including signage & print.

About us

is your opportunity to set yourself apart or create your 'point of difference'. It's also a great opportunity to boost moral by showcasing your team. This is another page where strategic text can help your sites visibility, particularly around setting up geo-based SEO.

Contact us

Pages are generally where you get your online leads come from, so providing clear and easy contact options is crucial. Phone, email and physical addresses shoud be included and need to be mobile friendly, so you're only a tap or two from instant contact.

The Features

Built-in SEO

Despite what the SEO spammers would like you to believe, most of the success of SEO comes down to how your web page was set up. A professionally set up page (like ours) will have the important stuff built in from day one.

Mobile Friendly

Mobile phones are taking over what used to be done on the desktop. Setting up a website to display nicely on a mobile is actually pretty easy, but we take it further by including 'active content' that will display information relevant to the device and adapt the functionality to create the most intuitive customer experience we can.

SSL Secured

Your SSL is a security certificate that is required if you want to remain visible to potential customers. As well as helping your sites visibility It also provides assurance that you a professional business. Site certificates need to be updated regularly, something that we do as part of a standard package.

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